I'm building off the CakePHP tutorial for the blog engine by adding comments to each post. I am able to add comments by selecting the post that it should be attached to, via a select box. I would like to be able to click an "Add Comment" link within the post and have the association to the post formed programatically. I am unsure how I can pass the post_id to the add method within my comments_controller. The body of my add method is the auto-generated scaffold code. Is it as easy as adding a $postId argument to the add method and write this to the post_id in my comments model? This doesn't feel right though, since I would expect add to be called when my submit button is click on my comments add view.
Thanks all.
EDIT - Added the code that I'm working with currently. It is just the add method in my comments_controller.
function add($postid = null) {
if(!empty($this->data) {
$this->Comment->post_id = $postid;
if ($this->Comment->save($this->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The Comment has been saved', true));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The Comment could not be saved. Please,
try again.', true));
$this->set('post_id', $postid);
function add($postid = null) {
if(!empty($this->data) {
$this->data['Comment']['post_id'] = $postid; // see how it needs to be?
...then save the data...
Answered By - Sergei
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