I am trying to perform a SOAP call but sometimes the response is thousands of record. I don't want Excel frozen while it is processing the responses but every example I've seen require importing a separate file with the async callback. Is there a way I can do this without the extra file?
Public Function SendPost(currentTableAltIden As String, altIdentifiers() As String, Optional aSync As Boolean = True)
Dim t As XMLHTTP60
Dim r As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Dim nodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim i As Integer
Dim listLengthControl As Integer
Dim listCounter As Integer
Dim xmlHelper As AsyncHelper
i = 0
Set t = Transport
Set xmlHelper = New AsyncHelper
xmlHelper.init t
t.Open "POST", EndPointUrl, aSync
t.send Text
Set r = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
r.aSync = False
r.validateOnParse = False
r.SetProperty "SelectionNamespaces", " xmlns:soap=''"
r.LoadXML t.responseText
Set nodeList = r.SelectNodes("//result//" & currentTableAltIden)
listLengthControl = nodeList.Length
While listCounter <> listLengthControl
For i = LBound(altIdentifiers) To UBound(altIdentifiers)
Debug.Print r.SelectNodes("//result//" & currentTableAltIden & "//" & altIdentifiers(i))(listCounter).Text
WorkWebServiceTemp.Cells(TableDataRowNum + listCounter, i + 1).value = r.SelectNodes("//result//" & currentTableAltIden & "//" & altIdentifiers(i))(listCounter).Text
Next i
listCounter = listCounter + 1
End Function
Just for fun...
Sub AsyncTester()
Static col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
col.Add AsyncFetcher("", New clsTest)
col.Add AsyncFetcher("", New clsTest)
col.Add AsyncFetcher("", New clsTest)
Debug.Print "finished setup"
End Sub
Function AsyncFetcher(url As String, callBackObject As Object)
Dim sc As Object
Set sc = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
sc.Language = "JScript"
sc.AddCode "var objXML, theUrl, objCallBack;"
sc.AddCode " function callBack(){objCallBack.Report(objXML.readystate + ' ' + theUrl);} " & vbLf
sc.AddCode " function fetch(url, obj){ " & vbLf & _
" objCallBack = obj; theUrl = url; " & vbLf & _
" objXML = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHttp.6.0'); " & vbLf & _
" objXML.onreadystatechange = callBack; " & _
"""GET"", url, true); " & vbLf & _
" objXML.send(); " & vbLf & _
"} "
sc.Run "fetch", url, callBackObject
Set AsyncFetcher = sc
End Function
Public Sub Report(s)
Debug.Print s
End Sub
Answered By - Tim Williams Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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