I am trying to call an Oracle Fusion Cloud web service from an Oracle Applications EBS server using PL/SQL. I can perform the web service call successfully from SOAPUI, however in SOAPUI the authentication (basic authentication) is specified in a separate window. My intention is to use the working SOAP envelope from SOAPUI, but how can I specify the web service basic authentication in PL/SQL (Oracle 11g)?
From google it looks like the basic authentication can be included in the SOAP envelope's header. However all the examples refer to
which is a website that I don't know whether I can trust especially when it uses http
and requires PasswordText
as part of their url. See this example:
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""><wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-9419978" xmlns:wsu=""><wsse:Username>admin</wsse:Username><wsse:Password Type="">admin</wsse:Password></wsse:UsernameToken></wsse:Security>
The dba also had to setup an ACL and a wallet (without a password).
The code I have at the moment is:
create or replace PROCEDURE p_soap_request(p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2
--, p_proxy IN VARCHAR2
) IS
soap_request VARCHAR2(30000);
soap_respond CLOB;
http_req utl_http.req;
http_resp utl_http.resp;
resp XMLType;
soap_err exception;
v_code VARCHAR2(200);
v_msg VARCHAR2(1800);
v_len number;
v_txt Varchar2(32767);
-- UTL_HTTP.SET_PROXY(p_proxy);
-- Define the SOAP request according the the definition of the web service being called
soap_request:= '<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>'||
'<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">'||
' <SOAP-ENV:Body>'||
' <m:DownloadRequest xmlns:m="">'||
' <m:UserName>'||p_username||'</m:UserName>'||
' <m:Password>'||p_password||'</m:Password>'||
' </m:DownloadRequest>'||
' </SOAP-ENV:Body>'||
http_req:= utl_http.begin_request
( ''
, 'POST'
, 'HTTP/1.1'
utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Length', length(soap_request));
utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Download', ''); -- header requirements of particular web service
utl_http.write_text(http_req, soap_request);
http_resp:= utl_http.get_response(http_req);
utl_http.get_header_by_name(http_resp, 'Content-Length', v_len, 1); -- Obtain the length of the response
FOR i in 1..CEIL(v_len/32767) -- obtain response in 32K blocks just in case it is greater than 32K
utl_http.read_text(http_resp, v_txt, case when i < CEIL(v_len/32767) then 32767 else mod(v_len,32767) end);
soap_respond := soap_respond || v_txt; -- build up CLOB
resp:= XMLType.createXML(soap_respond); -- Convert CLOB to XMLTYPE
I'm not sure what to replace <m:DownloadRequest xmlns:m="">
with for my server. Also not sure how to specify the wallet.
My SOAPUI envelope is:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<typ:paramList>15</typ:paramList><!--GL Costing-->
<typ:paramList>17518</typ:paramList><!--UCM File Number-->
The SOAP WSDL url is:
Finally got it working with this code:
l_envelope varchar2(32767);
l_http_request utl_http.req;
l_http_response utl_http.resp;
l_envelope := '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<typ:paramList>15</typ:paramList><!--GL Costing-->
<typ:paramList>17518</typ:paramList><!--UCM File Number-->
-- dbms_output.put_line(l_envelope);
l_http_request := utl_http.begin_request
utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', length(l_envelope));
utl_http.set_header(l_http_request, 'SOAPAction', '');
utl_http.write_text(l_http_request, l_envelope);
l_http_response := utl_http.get_response(l_http_request);
utl_http.read_text(l_http_response, l_envelope);
Answered By - Superdooperhero Answer Checked By - Robin (PHPFixing Admin)
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