I have a partial
= form.fields_for :cycles do |c|
= c.text_field :day, :size=>6
= c.hidden_field :id
%td{:width=>"35%"}= c.text_field :hour, :size=>15
%td{:width=>"35%"}= c.text_field :hour_night, :size=>15
%td{:style => "width:7%;padding:0;border-right:none",:align=>"center"}
= c.hidden_field :_destroy
= link_to image_tag("panel_tools/delete.png",:size=>"15x15"), nil, :href =>"", :onclick => "check_nested_attr_destroy(this);return false;"
I call this from the view like this
= form_for(@schedule_of_working, @new_action ? {:url => schedule_of_workings_path} : {:url => schedule_of_working_path, :method=> :put}) do |f|
= render(:partial=>'cycles', :collection => @schedule_of_working.cycles, :locals => {:form => f}) if @schedule_of_working.cycles.count > 0
I'm getting an error about undefined method form..
rails -v 3.1.0
Rails only really works well when you follow its conventions.
You should avoid using: hidden fields, put
with a form, passing in the action that way and I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the url in various parts, but anyway avoid these unless you have really good reason why you are not structuring it according to convention. Focus more on your routes and how resources are setup and your models and their relationships and your views should be very minimalist. In them I'm not sure what the hour and hour_night are, or theor length 15. Confusion mix of stuff.
So your form, as is, has a few problems. Rather than specific advice I would just say re-write it. It should be much simpler than this. I would recommend watching some railscasts on forms, e.g.
Forms Part one, two or three
Answered By - Michael Durrant Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (PHPFixing Admin)
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