I have two numbers, one I get by calculating it and the other one I bring it from the database.
calculated = 2.183333333333333
database = 2.18333333333333
But when I compare them to know if they are the same, I return False
when it should be True
There is some way to limit the number of periodic numbers, but not to affect decimals that are not periodic, for example:
2.1748888888888 -> 2.1748
1.23333333 -> 1.23
You could use the math.isclose
>>> from math import isclose
>>> calculated = 2.183333333333333
>>> database = 2.18333333333333
>>> isclose(calculated, database)
This allows for setting the relative tolerance and minimum absolute tolerance as well refer to the docs for more explanation.
Answered By - Jab Answer Checked By - David Marino (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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