When I test this code in a browser the prompts pop up just fine, but then there's nothing on the screen after filling them all out. Is there something I'm missing...?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Mad Libs</title>
<div id="out"></div>
var properName = prompt("Enter a proper name");
var verb = prompt("Enter a verb (past tense)");
var verb2 = prompt("Enter a second verb (past tense)");
var adj = prompt("Enter an adjective");
var adj2 = prompt("Enter another adjective");
var out = "Roses are red. Violets are blue. <br/>";
out += properName + "left town without wearing a shoe. <br/>";
out += properName + " " + verb + "<br/>";
out += "And " + properName + " " + verb2 + "<br/>";
out += "But I am " + adj + " " + properName + "thought. <br/>";
out += "And kind of " + adj2 + " too!";
document.getElementByID('out').innerHTML = out;
should be document.getElementById
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Mad Libs</title>
<div id="out"></div>
var properName = prompt("Enter a proper name");
var verb = prompt("Enter a verb (past tense)");
var verb2 = prompt("Enter a second verb (past tense)");
var adj = prompt("Enter an adjective");
var adj2 = prompt("Enter another adjective");
var out = "Roses are red. Violets are blue. <br/>";
out += properName + "left town without wearing a shoe. <br/>";
out += properName + " " + verb + "<br/>";
out += "And " + properName + " " + verb2 + "<br/>";
out += "But I am " + adj + " " + properName + "thought. <br/>";
out += "And kind of " + adj2 + " too!";
document.getElementById('out').innerHTML = out;
Answered By - Spectric Answer Checked By - Senaida (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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