I am just needing to finish up this program for my assignment and I have completed the task that I want it to perform, yet I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make my output display the number value to the second decimal. (For example: 35.50)
My program is meant to take the average of values, and give the numeric average in decimals. It does do that, but the decimal string is way longer than 2 decimal places. I'm hoping to get some advice on how to clean this up, and please give all answers with the explanation. Thank you so much! (The program I am using is visual studios 2017, and I am creating this code within the console app of C#)
static void Main(string[] args)
decimal counter = 1;
decimal sum = 0;
decimal totalLoops = 3;
while (counter <= totalLoops)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter test score here:");
string scoreInput = Console.ReadLine();
decimal score;
decimal.TryParse(scoreInput, out score);
sum += score;
Console.WriteLine("Your average is {0}", decimal.Round(sum, 2) / decimal.Round(totalLoops, 2));
You can use Math.Round
Console.WriteLine("Your average is {0}", Math.Round(decimal.Round(sum, 2) / decimal.Round(totalLoops, 2), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
Answered By - Kei Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (PHPFixing Admin)
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