I'm currently using the following to compute the difference in two times. The out - in is very fast and thus I do not need to display the hour and minutes which are just 0.00 anyway. How do I actually shift the decimal place in Python?
def time_deltas(infile):
entries = (line.split() for line in open(INFILE, "r"))
ts = {}
for e in entries:
if " ".join(e[2:5]) == "OuchMsg out: [O]":
ts[e[8]] = e[0]
elif " ".join(e[2:5]) == "OuchMsg in: [A]":
in_ts, ref_id = e[0], e[7]
out_ts = ts.pop(ref_id, None)
yield (float(out_ts),ref_id[1:-1], "%.10f"%(float(in_ts) - float(out_ts)))
INFILE = 'C:/Users/kdalton/Documents/Minifile.txt'
print list(time_deltas(INFILE))
The same way you do in math
a = 0.01;
a *= 10; // shifts decimal place right
a /= 10.; // shifts decimal place left
Answered By - Andrew Rasmussen Answer Checked By - Robin (PHPFixing Admin)
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