I have inherited a project using Visual Studio (.NET Framework 4.7.2, I think). I'm receiving a response from an API endpoint with multiple entries which looks like so:
"transaction_id": "00000352",
"transaction_type": "New",
"transaction_date": "2018-08-23T00:00:00",
"sold_to_id": "00026",
"customer_po_number": "34567",
"po_date": "2018-08-23T00:00:00",
"notes": null,
"batch_code": "######",
"location_id": "MN",
"req_ship_date": "2018-08-28T00:00:00",
"fiscal_period": 8,
"fiscal_year": 2018,
"currency_id": "USD",
"original_invoice_number": null,
"bill_to_id": "00026",
"customer_level": null,
"terms_code": "30-2",
"distribution_code": "01",
"invoice_number": null,
"invoice_date": "2018-08-23T00:00:00",
"sales_rep_id_1": null,
"sales_rep_id_1_percent": 100,
"sales_rep_id_1_rate": 0,
"sales_rep_id_2_id": "SA",
"sales_rep_id_2_percent": 100,
"sales_rep_id_2_rate": 10,
"ship_to_id": null,
"ship_via": null,
"ship_method": null,
"ship_number": null,
"ship_to_name": "",
"ship_to_attention": null,
"ship_to_address_1": null,
"ship_to_address_2": null,
"ship_to_city": null,
"ship_to_region": null,
"ship_to_country": "USA",
"ship_to_postal_code": null,
"actual_ship_date": null,
"order_line_list": [
"entry_number": 1,
"item_id": "5' Glass/Wood Table",
"description": "Glass/ Wood Combo Coffee Table",
"customer_part_no": null,
"additional_description": null,
"location_id": "MN",
"quantity_ordered": 11,
"units": "EA",
"quantity_shipped": 0,
"quantity_backordered": 0,
"req_ship_date": null,
"unit_price": 599.99,
"extended_price": 6599.89,
"reason_code": null,
"account_code": null,
"inventory_gl_account": "120000",
"sales_gl_account": "400000",
"cogs_gl_account": "500000",
"sales_category": null,
"tax_class": 0,
"promo_id": null,
"price_id": null,
"discount_type": 0,
"discount_percentage": 0,
"discount_amount": 0,
"sales_rep_id_1": null,
"sales_rep1_percent": null,
"sales_rep1_rate": null,
"sales_rep_id_2": "SA",
"sales_rep2_percent": 100,
"sales_rep2_rate": 5,
"unit_cost": 241.4467,
"extended_cost": 2655.91,
"status": "Open",
"extended_list": [],
"serial_list": []
"tax_group_id": "ATL",
"taxable": false,
"tax_class_adjustment": 0,
"freight": 0,
"tax_class_freight": 0,
"tax_location_adjustment": null,
"misc": 0,
"tax_class_misc": 0,
"sales_tax": 0,
"taxable_sales": 0,
"non_taxable_sales": 6599.89,
"payment_list": []
I would like to select individual key-value pairs from this response and create a data table. I'm extremely new (and somewhat allergic) to C# but I have tried doing this:
var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(response.Content);
JsonElement root = doc.RootElement;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Root Elem: {0}", doc.RootElement));
//creat data table
var jsonObject = JObject.Parse(response.Content);
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("jsonObject col: {0}", jsonObject));
DataTable jsdt = jsonObject[doc.RootElement].ToObject<DataTable>();
int totalRows = jsdt.Rows.Count;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("jsonObject col: {0}", jsonObject));
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("totalRows col: {0}", totalRows));
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("jsdt col: {0}", jsdt.Rows.Count));
I can't seem to get the DataTable to log to the console and have no idea if I'm actually creating the DataTable at all. I can loop through the JSON response to find individual key-value pairs but writing things to a DataTable is where I'm stuck. This is how I'm looping through the JSON:
var users = root.EnumerateArray();
while (users.MoveNext())
var user = users.Current;
var props = user.EnumerateObject();
while (props.MoveNext())
var prop = props.Current;
//Console.WriteLine($"{prop.Name}: {prop.Value}");
if (prop.Name == "transaction_date") {
//Console.WriteLine(String.Format("key: {0}", $"{prop.Name}: {prop.Value}"));
How would one go about creating a DataTable
in this way?
My ultimate purpose is to create a CSV and ship it to another server.
I recognize that a CSV file is basically a 2d array of primitive values but that my JSON objects contain nested arrays of complex objects (e.g. [*].order_line_list[*]
) which will need to be flattened somehow. For this purpose flattening into multiple rows would be fine, e.g. parent name, parent info, nested item info 1; parent name, parent info, nested item info 2;
Your basic problem here is that you have a JSON array containing JSON objects with possibly non-primitive object and array values, and you would like to eventually export that to CSV. However, a CSV file is essentially a 2d array of primitive values, so you will need to flatten the non-primitives into primitives. In order to do this, you may either
- Extend the CSV horizontally by adding extra columns for nested values.
- Extend the CSV vertically by adding extra rows for nested values.
You chose option 2, Multiple rows would be fine, eg parent name, parent info, nested item info 1; parent name, parent info, nested item info 2;
To do that, we're going to need two third-party tools, the LINQ to JSON from Json.NET to parse your arbitrary JSON objects, and CsvWriter
from CsvHelper
to write a CSV file.
First, introduce the following extension method to flatten a LINQ to JSON JObject
into an enumerable of enumerable of key/value pairs of primitive JSON values:
public static partial class JsonExtensions
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JValue>>> FlattenChildrenIntoRows(this JObject obj)
bool anyReturned = false;
var simpleChildren = obj.Properties().Where(p => p.Value is JValue).Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, JValue>(p.Name, (JValue)p.Value)).ToList();
var complexChildren = obj.Properties().Where(p => !(p.Value is JValue)).Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>(p.Name, p.Value));
foreach (var property in complexChildren)
foreach (var flattenedItems in FlattenChildrenIntoRows(property))
yield return simpleChildren.Concat(flattenedItems);
anyReturned = true;
if (!anyReturned)
yield return simpleChildren;
static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JValue>>> FlattenChildrenIntoRows(KeyValuePair<string, JToken> property)
if (property.Value is JValue value)
yield return new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, JValue>(property.Key, value) };
else if (property.Value is JArray array)
foreach (var item in array)
foreach (var flattenedItem in FlattenChildrenIntoRows(new KeyValuePair<string, JToken>(property.Key, item)))
yield return flattenedItem;
else if (property.Value is JObject obj)
foreach (var flattenedItems in FlattenChildrenIntoRows(obj))
yield return flattenedItems.Select(p => new KeyValuePair<string, JValue>(property.Key + "." + p.Key, p.Value));
else // JRaw, JContainer
throw new NotImplementedException();
Next, introduce the following method to write a list of Dictionary<string, string>
objects to a CSV file, making the dictionary keys be the CSV column names:
public static partial class CsvExtensions
public static void WriteCsv(TextWriter writer, IReadOnlyList<IDictionary<string, string>> objects, CsvConfiguration config)
var headers = objects.SelectMany(o => o.Keys).Distinct();
using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, config))
foreach (var header in headers)
foreach (var obj in objects)
foreach (var header in headers)
if (obj.TryGetValue(header, out var value))
And now we can combine these two methods to read a JSON array, flatten it, and write to CSV as follows:
public static partial class CsvExtensions
/// Convert a JSON file to a CSV file
public static void ConvertJsonToCsv(string inputPath, string outputPath)
using var reader = new StreamReader(inputPath);
using var writer = new StreamWriter(outputPath);
ConvertJsonToCsv(reader, writer);
/// Read JSON from the incoming TextReader, convert to CSV and write to the incoming TextWriter
public static void ConvertJsonToCsv(TextReader reader, TextWriter writer)
// Disable reformatting of dates
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None,
using var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader) { CloseInput = false };
// Deserialize to an array of objects
var array = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings).Deserialize<List<JObject>>(jsonReader);
// Flatten and convert to a List<Dictionary<string, string>>
var list = array
// Flatten each child into an enumerable of enumerable of primitive key/value pairs
.Select(o => o.FlattenChildrenIntoRows())
// Project and flatten to an overall enumerable of enumerable of pairs
.SelectMany(pairs => pairs)
// Convert to an overall enumerable of dictionaries
.Select(pairs => pairs.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value.Value == null ? null : (string)Convert.ChangeType(p.Value.Value, typeof(string), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))
// Materialize as a list of dictionaries
// Write to CSV
var config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
CsvExtensions.WriteCsv(writer, list, config);
Which you might call like:
using var reader = new StringReader(response.Content);
using var writer = new StringWriter();
CsvExtensions.ConvertJsonToCsv(reader, writer);
var csvText = writer.ToString();
Demo fiddle here.
Answered By - dbc Answer Checked By - Marilyn (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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