This is a Grading Marksheet code and I am looking for how the app may count how many times a string (e.g: Grade is A) has been repeated. Thank you! This code sample is the part where I need to count the string from
if (p > 60 && p <= 80)
Console.WriteLine("Grade is A");
if (p > 80 && p <= 100)
Console.WriteLine("Grade is A++");
The idea would be to simply increase a integer variable for each time you print an A.
Example with your Code as Base:
// Use a Variable that you increase in value
// To see how many A were printed
int acount = 0;
// Is number bigger than 60 and smaller or equal to 80
if (p > 60 && p <= 80)
Console.WriteLine("Grade is A");
// If the first statement is true the second can't be true anyway
// so use else if so it doesn't have to make usless checks
// Is number bigger than 80 and smaller or equal to 100
else if (p > 80 && p <= 100)
Console.WriteLine("Grade is A++");
// Print out result
Console.WriteLine("A was printed: " + acount + " times");
Answered By - IndieGameDev Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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