I'm working on Mac 10.6.6. with php 5.3 installed with MAMP. I've run into a problem trying to install Pear. A blog I found suggested a solution that requires me to to set the following ini directive:
detect_unicode = Off
Can someone tell me how to do it?
I went looking through MAMP folder but couldn't see PHP ini file. Note, I'm very inexperienced working with the command line.
Thanks if you can help.
Check under (assuming a default install)...
Macintosh HD / Applications / MAMP / conf / php5 / php.ini
You then open this file in a text editor and modify the text to suit. Save it and restart Apache.
Alternatively, some options can be set from PHP itself with ini_set()
. Some can not for security reasons, such as allow_url_fopen
Answered By - alex Answer Checked By - Robin (PHPFixing Admin)
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