I'm translating English to Japanese in Poedit, and I'm getting warnings like this:
That is the Japanese character for a period/full-stop! I would like to either: teach Poedit what is perfectly valid punctuation (preferred, so that other warnings still appear), or disable these warnings altogether (plan B). Does anyone know how?
The only settings in Preferences that I thought might be applicable was "Check Spelling", but disabling that did nothing.
I recently upgraded to Poedit 2, and I don't remember seeing those warnings before, so perhaps it is a new "feature".
Yes, it's a new feature, and yes, it's not entirely perfect yet. As you may or may not be aware, bugs happen, and the traditional process of reporting them to the developer usually works quite well — considerably better, I dare say, than spewing snark at random Internet places.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, will be fixed in 2.0.3. If you encounter more issues than this, please report them directly.
Answered By - Václav Slavík Answer Checked By - Cary Denson (PHPFixing Admin)
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