I have problem with code. I will copy simplified code, with two editext and one textview and button. With this code if value in editext1 is "100" and other editext2 is"60" I get result answer "40.0" and it should be "40". Thanks
for code:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
EditText number1;
EditText number2;
Button Add_button3;
TextView descr;
int ans=0;
private BreakIterator view;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
number1=(EditText) findViewById(;
number2=(EditText) findViewById(;
Add_button3=(Button) findViewById(;
descr = (TextView) findViewById(;
Add_button3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
double num1 = Double.parseDouble(number1.getText().toString());
double num2 = Double.parseDouble(number2.getText().toString());
double sump = num1 - num2;
There are two options, casting and using Math class.
To cast: descr.setText(Integer.toString((int)sump));
That approach has only one downside, you are losing information.
So if you abstract double sump = 5.0 - 3.3;
which equals: 1.7000000000000002 the casting gives you '1'.
In my opinion better way is to use Math class and in particular method random() that is:
The method also will remove some data but it will round the number to the closest whole number (integer) which is a preferred way to deal with similar situations.
For more please check: How to convert float to int with Java
Answered By - Konrad Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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