I want to plot a 2D graph for this function. Efficiency of a SS topology resonant circuit I am new to Mathematica. This is what I have tried, I would appreciate it if someone could help me troubleshoot it and post a working version.
Eff [d_,f_]:=Module[{C1,C2,L1,L2,R1,R2,Rs,Ro,a,b,w,mu,RL,M,eff,fr,Vi,N1,N2},
w = 2 Pi f;
C1 = 1/(L1*w^2);
C2= 1/(L2*w^2);
L1 = L2 = 14 10^-6;fr=270 10^3;
a = b = 0.5; mu = 4 Pi*10^-7; Vi = 100;N1=N2=100;
M[d]= N1 N2 Block[{k = Sqrt[(4 a b)/((a + b)^2 + d^2)]}, mu Sqrt[a b] 2/k ((1 - k^2/2) EllipticK[k^2] - EllipticE[k^2])];
eff =(C2^2*M[d]^2*Ro*w^4)/(R1 + Rs + C2*(-2*L2 + C2*(R2 + RL)^2)*(R1 + Rs)*w^2 + C22*(M [d]2*(R2 + RL) + L2^2*(R1 + Rs))*w^4)
Plot[Eff [0.1,f] ,{f,100 10^3,100 10^6}]
The values are test values. Please I will appreciate any help to make this work.
Well, here is a version showing that Mathematica code does not need to look awful. :)
Eff[d_, f_] := Module[
L1 = 14 10^(-6),
L2 = 14 10^(-6),
R1 = 0.2,
R2 = 0.2,
Rs = 0.2,
Ro = 0.2,
a = 0.5,
b = 0.5,
w = 2 Pi f,
mu = 4 Pi 10^(-7),
RL = 1,
N1 = 100,
N2 = 100,
C1, C2, M, k
C1 = 1 / (L1*w^2);
C2 = 1 / (L2*w^2);
k = Sqrt[
(4 a b)/
((a + b)^2 + d^2)
M = N1 N2 mu Sqrt[a b] 2 / k
((1 - k^2 / 2) EllipticK[k^2] - EllipticE[k^2]);
(C2^2 M^2 Ro w^4) /
R1 + Rs
+ C2 (-2 L2 + C2 (R2 + RL)^2) (R1 + Rs) w^2
+ C2^2 (M^2 (R2 + RL) + L2^2 (R1 + Rs)) w^4
Eff[d, f], {d, 0.1, 1.1, 0.1}
], {f, 10^3, 10^8},
Frame -> True,
GridLines -> Automatic,
PlotLegends -> Table[d, {d, 0.1, 1.1, 0.1}]
Eff[d, f], {d, 0.1, 1.1}, {f, 10^3, 10^8},
ScalingFunctions -> {Identity, "Log", Identity},
PlotRange -> All
Answered By - mikuszefski Answer Checked By - Robin (PHPFixing Admin)
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