How to receive an output of an array of [TweetSentimentClassifierInput] objects to send it further to my prediction model?
I have the array but inside a closure which turns it unavailable to return as a method output. If I initialize an empty array outside the closure then the output is always an empty array since fetch closure takes time to be completed.
struct TweetFetcher {
let tweetCount = 100
let swifter = Swifter(consumerKey: key, consumerSecret: secret)
func fetchTweets(with searchText: String) -> [TweetSentimentClassifierInput] {
swifter.searchTweet(using: searchText, lang: "en", count: tweetCount, tweetMode: .extended) {(results, searchMetadata) in
var tweets = [TweetSentimentClassifierInput]()
let data = .utf8)
do {
let decodedData = try JSONDecoder().decode([TweetData].self, from: data!)
} catch {
print("Error with decoding, \(error)")
for tweet in decodedData {
let tweetForClassification = TweetSentimentClassifierInput(text: tweet.full_text)
} failure: { (error) in
print("Error with the Twitter API request, \(error)")
How can I return a non-empty array from a closure as a method output?
You should use a completionHandler
concept to achieve async operations like this:
struct TweetFetcher {
let tweetCount = 100
let swifter = Swifter(consumerKey: key, consumerSecret: secret)
func fetchTweets(with searchText: String, completion: @escaping ([TweetSentimentClassifierInput]?, Error?) -> Void) {
swifter.searchTweet(using: searchText, lang: "en", count: tweetCount, tweetMode: .extended) {(results, searchMetadata) in
var tweets = [TweetSentimentClassifierInput]()
let data = .utf8)
do {
let decodedData = try JSONDecoder().decode([TweetData].self, from: data!)
} catch {
print("Error with decoding, \(error)")
completion(nil, error)
for tweet in decodedData {
let tweetForClassification = TweetSentimentClassifierInput(text: tweet.full_text)
completion(tweets, nil)
} failure: { (error) in
print("Error with the Twitter API request, \(error)")
completion(nil, error)
let fetcher = TweetFetcher()
fetcher.fetchTweets(with: "Keyword...") { tweets, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
// Use tweets array content here ...
Answered By - rami Answer Checked By - Marie Seifert (PHPFixing Admin)
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