How to remove decimal point value if the number is more than 10.0. Below is the code what i have tried. At below code i am getting the value and i put the condition that if value is less than 1km then show number in meter, if value is more than 1 then show the number in km and if the value is greater than 10.0 then i am not able to remove the decimal point
let resultDelivery = String(format: "%.1f", Obj.distance)// Here getting value from api either i get 0.5 or 6.5 or 11.5
if (resultDelivery.starts(with: "0")){
let resultDelivery2 = String(format: "%.f", Obj.distance/1 * 1000)
cell.lblDeliverykm?.text = resultDelivery2.description + " " + "m".Localized() + " " + "" // result is 900 m
else if (resultDelivery.starts(with: "10.0")){
let resultDelivery2 = String(format: "%.0f", Obj.distance)
cell.lblDeliverykm?.text = resultDelivery2.description + " " + "km".Localized() + " " + "" // couldn’t able to remove decimal point
else {
cell.lblDeliverykm?.text = resultDelivery.description + " " + "km".Localized() + " " + "" // result is 8.6 km
Ah the joys of C-style formatting strings.
I present this as an alternative approach:
extension String.StringInterpolation
public mutating func appendInterpolation<F: BinaryFloatingPoint>(distance: F)
if distance < 1 {
appendLiteral("\(Int(distance * 1000))m")
else if distance >= 10 {
let d = (distance * 10).rounded(.toNearestOrEven) / 10
print("\(distance: 0.1)")
print("\(distance: 1)")
print("\(distance: 10)")
print("\(distance: 100)")
The output is
This will accept Double
, Float
, Float80
, Float16
and any other type conforming to BinaryFloatingPoint
If you want localizable formats, look into NumberFormatter
[EDIT] as noted by @flanker in comments, LengthFormatter
with its method, string(from: String, unit: LengthFormatter.Unit) -> String
would be the way to go rather than NumberFormatter
Answered By - Chip Jarred Answer Checked By - Terry (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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