Using python 3.6
I can see we can specify the rounding and precision but it's only globally by setting the context.
How can I do this for a specific Decimal instance?
Something like this pseudo code:
myNumber = Decimal(1.101901)
roundedNumber = myNumber.toFixed(2, ROUND_DOWN)
# expected result ==> 1.10
roundedNumber = myNumber.toFixed(2, ROUND_UP)
# expected result ==> 1.11
So I can parse each number with the rounding and precision I want.
Use the method Decimal.quantize.
from decimal import *
myNumber = Decimal(1.101901)
roundedNumber = myNumber.quantize(Decimal('1.00'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) # 1.10
roundedNumber = myNumber.quantize(Decimal('1.00'), rounding=ROUND_UP) # 1.11
Answered By - Filip Bártek Answer Checked By - David Marino (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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