This program will output the combinations of 4 elements of the 5 elements contained inside of the array. But it does that instantly and i want it to do that slower , waiting 1 second after each row. I have already tried in many ways to add setTimeout(function()content,1000*i) it just doesn't work for me and related question couldn't help with that. Can anyone help with a solution?
const vegetables = ["carrot", "tomatoes", "potatoes", "celery", "pepper"];
const three = [];
three.length = 4;
function combine(a, b, c) {
if (b === 0) {
console.log(`${three.join(" ")}`);
for (let i = c; i <= a.length - b; i++) {
three[three.length - b] = a[i];
combine(a, b - 1, i + 1);
combine(vegetables, three.length, 0);
You can try something like this:
const vegetables = ["carrot", "tomatoes", "potatoes", "celery", "pepper"];
const three = [];
const combined = [];
three.length = 4;
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function combine(a, b, c) {
if (b === 0) {
combined.push(`${three.join(" ")}`);
for (let i = c; i <= a.length - b; i++) {
three[three.length - b] = a[i];
combine(a, b - 1, i + 1);
(async function main() {
combine(vegetables, three.length, 0);
for (const entry of combined) {
await sleep(1000);
Answered By - Mehmet Baker Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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