I had this little homework assignment and I needed to convert decimal to octal and then octal to decimal. I did the first part and could not figure out the second to save my life. The first part went like this:
decimal = int(input("Enter a decimal integer greater than 0: "))
print("Quotient Remainder Octal")
bstring = " "
while decimal > 0:
remainder = decimal % 8
decimal = decimal // 8
bstring = str(remainder) + bstring
print ("%5d%8d%12s" % (decimal, remainder, bstring))
print("The octal representation is", bstring)
I read how to convert it here: Octal to Decimal, but I have no clue how to turn it into code.
From decimal to octal:
oct(42) # '052'
Octal to decimal
int('052', 8) # 42
If you want to return octal as a string then you might want to wrap it in str
Answered By - martin Answer Checked By - Pedro (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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