I have this UPDATE
SQL query that I need to convert to PySpark to work with dataframes. I'd like to know if it's possible to do it with dataframes and how to do it.
The SQL query:
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000|
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
| John| Snow|1791-04-01| M| 9000|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|
| Robert|Baratheon|1778-09-05| M| 9500|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
| Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|
| Peter|Parker|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|
|MaryJane| Brown|1980-12-17| F|10000|
The joins give me:
df_TBL_ALL=df_TBL1 \
.join(df_TBL2,(df_TBL1.COL_A==df_TBL2.COL_A) & (df_TBL1.COL_B==df_TBL2.COL_B),how="inner") \
.join(df_TBL3,(df_TBL2.COL_A==df_TBL3.COL_A) & (df_TBL2.COL_B==df_TBL3.COL_B),how="inner") \
.select(df_TBL1["*"]) \
And then, I'm trying to join them
df_TBL1_JOINED=df_TBL1 \
.join(df_TBL_ALL,(df_TBL1.COL_A==df_TBL_ALL.COL_A) & (df_TBL1.COL_B==df_TBL_ALL.COL_B),how="left") \
.select(df_TBL1["*"], \
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+-----+
# | COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|COL_C|
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+-----+
# | James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000| 3000|
# | Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000| 1000|
# | Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000| 1|
# |Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000| 1|
# | Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000| 4000|
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+-----+
But I'm confused about how to go on.
I did:
TBL01_R=TBL01_R \
TBL01_R=TBL01_R \
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+
# | COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+
# | James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000|
# | Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000|
# | Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 1|
# |Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 1|
# | Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+
I got to the expected result but I don't know if it is the best performing way to achieve it.
Expected result: df_tbl1 with COL_C updated with a 1 in all rows present in the join of df_tbl1 with df_tbl2 and df_tbl3.
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 1|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 1|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000|
I tried to do a concise and performant option. The following does just 2 necessary joins avoiding the last inner join which you used in your question.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
updating = F.forall(F.array('t2', 't3'), lambda x: x)
df_TBL1 = (
df_TBL1.withColumnRenamed('COL_C', 'COL_C_old').alias('T1')
.join(df_TBL2.withColumn('t2', F.lit(True)), ['COL_A', 'COL_B'], 'left')
.join(df_TBL3.withColumn('t3', F.lit(True)), ['COL_A', 'COL_B'], 'left')
.withColumn('updated_c', F.when(updating, 1).otherwise(F.col('COL_C_old')))
.select('T1.*', F.col('updated_c').alias('COL_C'))
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+
# | COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+
# | James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000|
# | Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000|
# | Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 1|
# |Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 1|
# | Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
# +-------+--------+----------+------+-----+
How the update works, line-by-line
First, you join the 3 tables together based on COL_A and COL_B. But all with slight modifications: df_TBL1 has renamed COL_C and added an alias 'T1' (another name for better accessing the table); df_TBL2 and df_TBL3 each have one additional column 't2' and 't3' respectively, which always is True (after joining, they will indicate that those rows exist in those tables).
.withColumnRenamed('COL_C', 'COL_C_old').alias('T1')
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C_old|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000|
.join(df_TBL2.withColumn('t2', F.lit(True)), ['COL_A', 'COL_B'], 'left')
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C_old| dob|gender|COL_C| t2|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000| null| null| null|null|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000| null| null| null|null|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|1967-12-01| F| 4000|true|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|2000-05-19| M| 4000|true|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000| null| null| null|null|
.join(df_TBL3.withColumn('t3', F.lit(True)), ['COL_A', 'COL_B'], 'left')
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C_old| dob|gender|COL_C| t2| dob|gender|COL_C| t3|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000| null| null| null|null| null| null| null|null|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000| null| null| null|null| null| null| null|null|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|1967-12-01| F| 4000|true|1967-12-01| F| 4000|true|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|2000-05-19| M| 4000|true|2000-05-19| M| 4000|true|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000| null| null| null|null| null| null| null|null|
After the join, you have withColumn
which creates one additional column named 'updated_c': if you have True in BOTH 't2' and 't3' columns, you write 1 in 'updated_c', otherwise you take the value from 'COL_C_old'. forall
does the check in the array if ALL its values conform to the lambda function. The array is created using function array
from columns 't2' and 't3'. lambda x: x
just checks if the value is True (if row existed in df_TBL2 or df_TBL3, values would be True, if not, they would be null - we need only True).
updating = F.forall(F.array('t2', 't3'), lambda x: x)
.withColumn('updated_c', F.when(updating, 1).otherwise(F.col('COL_C_old')))
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C_old| dob|gender|COL_C| t2| dob|gender|COL_C| t3|updated_c|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000| null| null| null|null| null| null| null|null| 3000|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000| null| null| null|null| null| null| null|null| 1000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000|1967-12-01| F| 4000|true|1967-12-01| F| 4000|true| 1|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000|2000-05-19| M| 4000|true|2000-05-19| M| 4000|true| 1|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000| null| null| null|null| null| null| null|null| 4000|
Then you select
all the columns from df_TBL1 using its alias name 'T1.*'
(it also takes 'COL_C_old'), and add one more column: 'updated_c', renaming it to 'COL_C'.
.select('T1.*', F.col('updated_c').alias('COL_C'))
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C_old|COL_C|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000| 3000|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000| 1000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 4000| 1|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 4000| 1|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000| 4000|
Finally, drop
unnecessary 'COL_C_old'.
| COL_A| COL_B| dob|gender|COL_C|
| James| Smith|1991-04-01| M| 3000|
| Jen| Brown|1980-02-17| F| 1000|
| Maria| Jones|1967-12-01| F| 1|
|Michael| Rose|2000-05-19| M| 1|
| Robert|Williams|1978-09-05| M| 4000|
Answered By - ZygD Answer Checked By - Willingham (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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