I'm trying to do a very simple task in R which is creating a Flextable (called Flextable_1, Flextable_2,...,Flextable_35) foreach dataset that I have (dataset_1, dataset_2,...,dataset_35).
The code for the first Flextable_1 is:
Flextable_1 <-
flextable(dataset_1) %>%
add_header_row(top = TRUE, values = c("", "Total","CountyA","CountyB"), colwidths = c(1,4,4,4)) %>%
color(dataset_1, part = "footer", color = "#666666")%>%
autofit(part = "all")%>%
align(align = "center", part = "all") %>%
merge_h(part = "header")%>%
merge_v(part = "header")%>%
set_caption(caption = "Summary Statistics for 0.1Miles Buffer Area")%>%
fontsize(size = 10, part = "all")%>%
fontsize(size = 10, part = "header", i = 2) %>%
fontsize(size = 14, part = "header", i = 1)
So the code for all datasets from 2 to 35 will be (just showing the 35th):
Flextable_35 <-
flextable(dataset_35) %>%
add_header_row(top = TRUE, values = c("", "Total","CountyA","CountyB"), colwidths = c(1,4,4,4)) %>%
color(dataset_35, part = "footer", color = "#666666")%>%
autofit(part = "all")%>%
align(align = "center", part = "all") %>%
merge_h(part = "header")%>%
merge_v(part = "header")%>%
set_caption(caption = "Summary Statistics for 0.35Miles Buffer Area")%>%
fontsize(size = 10, part = "all")%>%
fontsize(size = 10, part = "header", i = 2) %>%
fontsize(size = 14, part = "header", i = 1)
How can I do this in an efficient way so I don't have to write all of these lines for every dataset (from 1 to 35)? Please also note that the caption foreach table changes according to the number of the dataset I'm working with. So the caption for Flextable_1 is "Summary Statistics for 0.1Miles Buffer Area", while the caption for Flextable_35 is "Summary Statistics for 0.35Miles Buffer Area"
Many thanks in advance. Any help is really appreciated!!
I have created a function for your task. The function finishes the task and assigns the result to the global environment. There is one parameter in the function, the number of tables; this will be used in the loop to iterate through the different tables.
# Create a function that constructs tables
create_flextable <- function(number_table = 1) {
# Get the table you need
start <- "dataset_"
table <- get(paste0(start, number_table))
# Run Process
Flextable <-
flextable(table) %>%
add_header_row(top = TRUE, values = c("", "Total","CountyA","CountyB"), colwidths = c(1,4,4,4)) %>%
color(table, part = "footer", color = "#666666")%>%
autofit(part = "all")%>%
align(align = "center", part = "all") %>%
merge_h(part = "header")%>%
merge_v(part = "header")%>%
set_caption(caption = paste0("Summary Statistics for 0.", number_table, "Miles Buffer Area"))%>%
fontsize(size = 10, part = "all")%>%
fontsize(size = 10, part = "header", i = 2) %>%
fontsize(size = 14, part = "header", i = 1)
# Assigned constructed table to global environment
assign(paste0("Flextable_", number_table), Flextable, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# Run loop to create multiple tables
for (i in 1:35) {
create_flextable(number_table = i)
Answered By - rodrigo franco Answer Checked By - Pedro (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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