I have a table A with records with 1 column only that are random alphanumerical characters. That table has say 10 rows.
I have another table B with 10 rows also that I want to take a value from a row from table A and apply it to a row in table B.
So basically, take a value from Table A and assign it to a row in table B. Preferably, take the value from table A row 1 and assign it to table B row 1, etc...
I am using SQL Server.
We can take any value from table B to assign to a row in table A. We just can't re-use a value from table B.
Here are the 2 tables in it's simplest form for this example:
CREATE TableA ([Value] NVARCHAR(50))
CREATE TableB ([Value] NVARCHAR(50))
Given the following table structure:
CREATE TABLE #tempA (stringEntry NVARCHAR(50));
INSERT INTO #tempA (stringEntry) VALUES ('abcd'), ('efgh'), ('ijkl');
CREATE TABLE #tempB (stringEntry NVARCHAR(50));
INSERT INTO #tempB (stringEntry) VALUES ('mnop'), ('qrst'), ('uvwx');
You can do the following:
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY #tempA.stringEntry) AS RowNumber,
#tempA.stringEntry AS entryA
INTO #tempA2
FROM #tempA;
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY #tempB.stringEntry) AS RowNumber,
#tempB.stringEntry AS entryB
INTO #tempB2
FROM #tempB;
SET #tempA.stringEntry = #tempB2.entryB
FROM #tempA
INNER JOIN #tempA2 ON #tempA.stringEntry = #tempA2.entryA
INNER JOIN #tempB2 ON #tempB2.RowNumber = #tempA2.RowNumber;
This assumes that you have equal number of rows in each table, as you indicated, or are okay with having the "excess" entries in your first table not being updated.
Answered By - mflournoy Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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