I have a table "product_quantity_cart" that has a "price" column in Mysql. I want to update all rows that match certain "id" with the result of a select that uses values from two different tables. In order to do so, I am executing a select subquery inside the update and as a result I am getting error 1224: "subquery returns multiple rows". I have read that a subquery like mine is not the right way to achieve what I want in Mysql, so I would like to ask which is the proper way to do it. My query looks like so:
update product_quantity_cart set price_product =
select quantity*price from (select * from product_quantity_cart) as p_q_c inner join product
on product.id_product=p_q_c.id_product
where id_shopping_cart=7
As you can see, I intend to update column price_product in all rows from table product_quantity_cart.
I don't know what your tables looks like but I'm just assuming that the product
in your inner join product
(given above) is your table2 with columns p.id_product
and p.quantity
and your product_quantity_cart
has columns id_product
, price_product
, c.price
, and c.id_shopping_cart
Then the query could be like this;
update product_quantity_cart c JOIN product p ON p.id_product = c.id_product
set c.price_product = c.price * p.quantity
WHERE c.id_shopping_cart=7
Answered By - fonz Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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