I'm trying to make a pause menu in unity VR I want when I press a button on the controller the menu appears but I don't know how to make the menu appear when the button is pressed a picture of what I have om the event thing but I most likely did that wrong too
They way you have set it up currently is that when you click the button it is calling
thus it will never enable that object.
You rather need a dedicated component like e.g.
public class PauseMenu : MonoBehaviour
// Reference this vis the Inspector in case the PauseMenu is NOT
// the same object this component is attached to.
// Otherwise it will simply use the same object this is attached to
[SerializeField] private GameObject pauseMenu;
// Adjust this vis the Inspector
// Shall the menu initially be active or not?
[SerializeField] private bool initiallyPaused;
// Public readonly property so you can make other scripts depend on this
// e.g. do not handle User input while pause menu is open etc
public bool IsPaused => pauseMenu.activeSelf;
// Additionally provide some events yourself so other scripts
// can add callbacks and react when you enter or exit paused mode
public UnityEvent onEnterPaused;
public UnityEvent onExitPaused;
public UnityEvent<bool> onPauseStateChanged;
private void Awake ()
// As fallback use the same object this component is attached to
if(!pauseMenu) pauseMenu = gameObject;
// This is the method you want to call vis your event instead
public void TogglePause()
// simply invert the active state
private void SetPauseMode (bool pause)
Attach this to your pause menu object and in the event reference the PauseMenu.TogglePause
method instead.
Answered By - derHugo Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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