I am writing a small Java Library (say project A) to be used externally (as a .JAR) in any other project (project B).
This is how project A looks like :
--packageTwo // need to access the next few text files in this java file
This is how project B will look like :
--src/main/java // I will use project A here.
I have tried importing the text files, but every time I use it as a .JAR externally in ProjectB, I always get some errors such as
I presume this is because of some class path issue.
So how do i correctly read my text files in ProjectA?
thanks in advance
Edit : I don't need the text files in projectB, they are just used once to pull text from in projectA. All I want is to correctly read those files in projectA, so I can import projectA in any project and not get errors.
So with the help of Hiran's response and digging around (also this) I figured it out.
File structure of the library you are writing :
--packageTwo // need to access the next few text files in this java file
Whenever reading a file, treat it as a resource. As when the class will be used as an external .JAR you will not be able to access files inside the .JAR. Instead follow this type of pattern :
URL url = this.getClass().getResource("ImportantTextOne.txt") // this assumes your text file is in the same location as
InputStream in = url.openStream();
String text = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
Answered By - Aditya Answer Checked By - Katrina (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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