I have some confused in here, when I was made a method to convert date format in javascript
to php
, my date is not right when in javascript
result is 2020/7/1
but in my php
result is 2020-01-07
when I use date('Y-m-d')
method. For full script I put in below for more continous understanding to my problem :
my app.js
// get today
const today = new Date();
// get month of today
const todayInMonth = today.getMonth() + 1;
// get year of today
const todayInYear = today.getFullYear();
// count date in one month (today)
const countDayInMonth = new Date(todayInYear, todayInMonth, 0).getDate();
// get number 15 of date
let dividerOne;
countDayInMonth == '31' ? dividerOne = Math.floor(countDayInMonth / 2) : countDayInMonth == '30' ? dividerOne = countDayInMonth / 2 : countDayInMonth == '29' ? dividerOne = Math.round(countDayInMonth / 2) : dividerOne = Math.ceil(countDayInMonth / 2);
// get number 15 / 16 of date
let dividerTwo = countDayInMonth - dividerOne;
// get fist date in every month
let firstDate = new Date(todayInYear, todayInMonth - 1, 1).toLocaleDateString();
url: "myController/getMyFunction",
method: "POST",
data: {firstDate: firstDate},
async: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
my myController.php
public function getMyFunction(Request $list) {
$firstDate = $list->firstDate;
//change '/' to '-' and read to YYYY-MM-DD
$raw_firstDate = strtr($firstDate, '/', '-');
$fix_firstDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($raw_firstDate));
echo json_encode($fix_firstDate);
If my explanation is incomprehensible, I apologize, and you can ask me again, Thank You
I already solved my problem with another way, I'm to stuck about this problem and I change my style of code to this :
first of all I make my variable into an array, then make them join()
with -
connector, like this (app.js)
// get today
const today = new Date();
// get year of today
const todayInYear = today.getFullYear();
// get month of today
let todayInMonth = '' + today.getMonth();
todayInMonth.length < 2 ? todayInMonth = '0' + (today.getMonth() + 1) : todayInMonth = today.getMonth() + 1;
// count date in one month (today)
const countDayInMonth = new Date(todayInYear, todayInMonth, 0).getDate().toString();
// get number 15 of date
let dividerOne;
countDayInMonth == '31' ? dividerOne = Math.floor(countDayInMonth / 2) : countDayInMonth == '30' ? dividerOne = countDayInMonth / 2 : countDayInMonth == '29' ? dividerOne = Math.round(countDayInMonth / 2) : dividerOne = Math.ceil(countDayInMonth / 2);
// get number 15 / 16 of date
let dividerTwo = countDayInMonth - dividerOne;
// get fist date in every month
let firstDate = [todayInYear, todayInMonth, "0" + 1].join("-");
// get date range 1 - 15
let rangeOne = [todayInYear, todayInMonth, dividerOne].join("-");
// get date range 15 / 16 - end
let rangeTwo = [todayInYear, todayInMonth, dividerTwo].join("-");
// get last date in every month
let lastDate = [todayInYear, todayInMonth, countDayInMonth].join("-");
and for my code in controller
I just called my data from my js
code, like this :
public function getMyFunction(Request $list) {
$firstDate = $list->firstDate;
echo json_encode($fix_firstDate);
I wanna say thanks to everyone want to help me solve my problem, I hope my code will be easy to understand and can be useful for others, happy nice code
Answered By - ProLuck Answer Checked By - David Goodson (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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