We have a business that rents out international phone numbers to customers when traveling. When a customer makes an order We want to display to the customer the available phone numbers for his booking dates based on his start_date and end_date and numbers which is not occupied yet.
Since these phone numbers are rented out, I need to select from the table ONLY those numbers that are not rented out yet for dates that would interfere with the current customers dates.
I also don't want to rent out any phone number prior to 7 days after its end date. Meaning, If a customer booked a phone number for 1-1-2020 through 1-20-2020, I don't want this phone number to be booked by another customer before 1-27-2020. I want the phone number to have a 7 day window of being clear.
I have a table with the phone numbers and a table with the orders that is related to the phone numbers table via phone_number_id. The orders table has the current customers start_date and end_date for travel without the phone number id saved yet to it. The orders table also has the start_date and end_date for all other customers dates of travel as well as which phone_number_id was assigned/booked up for their travel dates.
How would the MySQL query look like when trying to select the phone numbers that are available for the current customers dates?
I build below query at the moment
, x.area_code
, x.phone_number
, y.start_date
, y.end_date
FROM vir_num_table x
JOIN orderitemsdetail_table y
ON y.vn_id =
WHERE y.start_date BETWEEN '2020-01-11' AND '2020-01-18'
OR y.start_date IS NULL
I've build this query but stuck here how can I add end_date logic.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
The way I'd approach the problem would be to look at conceptually, is as a cross product of the set of all phone numbers, along with the reservation timeframe, and then exclude those where there's a conflicting reservation.
A conflict would be an overlap, existing reservation that has a start_date
before the end of the proposed reservation AND has an end_date
on or after the start of the proposed reservation.
I'd do an anti-join pattern, something like this:
SELECT pn.phone_number
FROM phone_number pn
JOIN reservation rs
ON rs.phone_number = pn.phone_number
AND rs.start_dt <= '2019-12-27' + INTERVAL +7 DAY
AND rs.end_dt > '2019-12-20' + INTERVAL -7 DAY
WHERE rs.phone_number IS NULL
That essentially says get all rows from phone number, along with matching rows from reservations (rows that overlap), but then exclude all the rows that had a match, leaving just phone_number rows that did not have a match.
We can make the <
test a <=
or , subtract 8 days, to tailor the "7 day" window before; we can tweak as we run the query through the test cases,
We can achieve an equivalent result using a NOT EXISTS
and a correlated subquery. Some people find this easier to comprehend than the ant-join, but its essentially the same query, doing the same thing, get all rows from phone_number but exclude the rows where there is a matching (overlapping) row in reservation
SELECT pn.phone_number
FROM phone_number pn
FROM reservation rs
WHERE rs.phone_number = pn.phone_number
AND rs.start_dt <= '2019-12-27' + INTERVAL +7 DAY
AND rs.end_dt > '2019-12-20' + INTERVAL -7 DAY
There are several questions on StackOverflow about checking for overlap, or no overlap, of date ranges.
See e.g.
How to check if two date ranges overlap in mysql?
PHP/SQL - How can I check if a date user input is in between an existing date range in my database?
MySQL query to select distinct rows based on date range overlapping
Based on the SQL added as an edit to the question, I'd do the query like this:
SELECT pn.`id`
, pn.`area_code`
, pn.`phone_number`
FROM `vir_num_table` pn
JOIN `orderitemsdetail_table` rs
ON rs.vn_id =
AND rs.start_date <= '2020-01-18' + INTERVAL +7 DAY
AND rs.end_date > '2020-01-11' + INTERVAL -7 DAY
WHERE rs.vn_id IS NULL
The two "tricky" parts. First is the anti-join, understanding how that works. (An outer join, to return all rows from vir_num_table
but exclude any rows that have a matching row in reservations. The second tricky part is checking for the overlap, coming up with the conditions: r.start <= p.end AND r.end >= p.start, then tweaking whether we want to include the equals as an overlap, and tweaking the extra seven days (easiest to me to just subtract the 7 days from the beginning of the proposed reservation)
... now occurs to me like we need to add a guard period of 7 days on the end of the reservation period as well, doh!
Answered By - spencer7593 Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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