I'm using VS 2013, VB.Net, and web forms. I have an rdlc file that has a table with dynamic content. Above the table there are some text boxes, some of the text boxes have static content, but some have dynamic content as well.
red arrows - dynamic outside of table, green arrow - table
I am feeding this report an IEnumerable(of T)
(t is a custom object). My issue is that on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.... etc. pages, the boxes that are not in the table do not render.
I have tried putting the boxes above the table into a report header, which does make them repeat. The problem with this is that the dynamic content from the first report is shown on every page.
Is there a setting I'm missing that will make the entire page render for each report, or is my best option now to move all the text boxes into the table?
A little background, this report has existed for years as it stands, but the client has only been able to run one at a time. The new requirement is to generate all the reports that meet a certain condition, one report per page. So staying as close to the original look as possible is critical. I'm hoping to avoid putting the other boxes in a table so as to not add the dark border around them.
Edit I just found a setting "repeat with". This setting is located by highligting an individual text box, then going to the properties menu. When I select "Repeat with table1
", the text boxes are repeated, but they only show the value from the first object.
The report's data source is set up to mirror the custom object below. A collection of these objects is put into an IEnumerable like this:
Dim pendingPerformanceReviewReports As IEnumerable(Of PerformanceReviewReportScheme)
and then send it to the rdlc.
Custom object constructor:
Public Class PerformanceReviewReportScheme
Public Property ConfNumber As String
Public Property Appointment As String
Public Property PerformancePlanStatus As String
Public Property ProcessLevel As String
Public Property Department As String
Public Property PositionCode As String
Public Property EmployeesName As String
Public Property EmployeeID As Integer?
Public Property PositionCodeDescriptionLevel As String
Public Property CurrentPayRate As String
Public Property ProposedPayRate As String
Public Property ProposedEffectiveDate As String
Public Property NextReviewDate As String
Public Property PerformanceRating As String
Public Property BasePayIncreaseDollars As String
Public Property BasePayIncreasePercentage As String
Public Property LumpSumBonusDollars As String
Public Property LumpSumBonusPercentage As String
Public Property RequestedBy As String
Public Property RequestedOn As String
End Class
I ended up putting all my fields in the table and adding them to the existing group. You are able to select individual cells and remove their borders.
While this solution does work, it is not ideal. I do not have the flexibility that comes with being able to place text boxes on a blank sheet wherever I please.
Answered By - rogerdeuce Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (PHPFixing Admin)
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