I need to store incoming and send messages to my database in my php appication.I read twilio documentation but i don't find any resource for my requirement.Can anyone help me with that.
Have you read their webhooks documentation?
Here is some sample code for capturing message and channel events and storing them to your database.
// Keep in mind, its just a sample code, you need to make it secure on your end
// Capture the event type to identiy which event has occured
$event_type = $_POST['EventType'];
case 'onChannelAdded':
$sid = $_POST['ChannelSid']; // The SID of the newly added Channel
$attributes = $_POST['Attributes']; // The arbitrary JSON structure of the channel
$date_created = $_POST['DateCreated']; // The date of channel creation
$created_by = $_POST['CreatedBy']; // The identity of the user that created a channel
$friendly_name = $_POST['FriendlyName']; // The friendly name of the channel, if set
$unique_name = $_POST['UniqueName']; // The unique name of the channel, if set
$channel_type = $_POST['ChannelType']; // The Channel type. Either private or public
// INSERT a new channel into the channels table
case 'onMessageSent':
$sid = $_POST['MessageSid']; // The Message SID of the new Message
$index = $_POST['Index']; // The index of the Message within the Channel Message list
$channel_sid = $_POST['ChannelSid']; // Channel SID identifier of the Channel the Message is being sent to
$body = $_POST['Body']; // The body of message
$attributes = $_POST['Attributes']; // Stringified JSON structure. This can be null if attributes are not present in message entity
$sender = $_POST['From']; // The author of the message
$date_created = $_POST['DateCreated']; // The timestamp of message creation
// INSERT a new message into the chat table
This code serves as your webhook POST events handler.
You need to add this file's path into your twilio console webhook configurations.
Answered By - Yousaf Hassan Answer Checked By - Terry (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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