I'm using SOAP and testing it by Rest-Assured. I want to validate response body XML by Rest-Assured that it has expected node value. But I can't get node I need.
Here is my response XML. It has several namespaces. I want to get the value of this node ns3:site
<soap-env:envelope xmlns:xs="" xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ns4:findsiteconfigurationbysmth xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns4="someapi:com:plant" xmlns:ns5="someapi:com:reasoncode">
<ns3:description>test description</ns3:description>
Previously I saved my response to a String variable and produce my validation with this code.
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document myXml = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(myStringXml)));
NodeList node = myXml.getDocumentElement()
.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "site");
This code works! Response is QWERTY
Now I'm trying to validate it by Rest-Assured.
.declareNamespace("site", "")))
.body("site", equalTo("QWERTY"));
And my response is
1 expectation failed.
XML path site doesn't match.
Expected: QWERTY
Actual: SiteWD:QWERTYQWERTYtest descriptionAfrica/Abidjan
I tried to change declared namespace to "ns3", "ns3:site". And the same story with xPath in a body method - "ns3", "ns3:site", "site" and so on. The result is the same... A single string of text from ns3 nodes.
What I'm doing wrong? Please help me to figure out where is the problem. How to get only one node? What should I change?
According to the REST Assured docs, the following should work for you:
.declareNamespace("soap-env", "")
.declareNamespace("ns4", "someapi:com:plant")
.declareNamespace("ns3", "")))
.body("soap-env:envelope.soap-env:body.ns4:findsiteconfigurationbysmth.ns4:response.ns3:site.text()", equalTo("QWERTY"));
Answered By - Not a JD Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (PHPFixing Admin)
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