If I have something like this:
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
c <- getChar
How would I go about comparing c to see if I got an escape sequence like the arrow keys or ctrl plus a key.
You can look up the expected sequences using the terminfo database.
See the module System.Terminfo.Keys.
For example:
Prelude System.Console.Terminfo> t <- setupTermFromEnv
Prelude System.Console.Terminfo> getCapability t keyLeft
Just "\ESCOD"
As far as the control characters, those will just appear as ASCII controls:
Prelude> getChar -- pressing control L
Prelude> '\f' == '\^L'
You might like better to use a more complete library for interacting with the terminal like vty.
Answered By - glguy Answer Checked By - Katrina (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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