I am running a binomial test in python, since the P-value result is too close to 0 so it return 0 directly, but I want to return the exact P value instead of 0, how could I do that?
The code is below
from scipy import stats
p=stats.binom_test(4953,850421,0.002691, alternative='greater')
The tolerance of this library is e^-16. Thus, I think it is not possible to get a p-value in this case. In statistics, p-value is the probability of success under conditions of null hypothesis. We require to compare it with 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 under different alpha-value. Thus, it is useless to use any other value like 0.005. It indicates that assuming null hypothesis is true is misleading. If we use a infinitesimal small probability of making type-I error then the probability of making type-II error will be significantly high.
Answered By - Aaditya Bhardwaj Answer Checked By - David Marino (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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