Trying to output the total of three number values from a dictionary and then adding HST of 13% to the total. However, the calculations print out as $13.5261 with four decimals places. How do I cut out the end decimal places, so it's $13.52? Or is there a way to round it, so it's $13.53
import UIKit
var menu = ["Coke": 1.99, "Coffee": 3.99, "Water": 5.99]
var hst = 1.13
var total = hst * (menu["Coke"]! + menu["Coffee"]! + menu["Water"]!)
print("The total for your order is
The usual – and most versatile – way is NSNumberFormatter
let menu = ["Coke": 1.99, "Coffee": 3.99, "Water": 5.99]
let hst = 1.13
let total = hst * (menu["Coke"]! + menu["Coffee"]! + menu["Water"]!)
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
let roundedTotal = formatter.stringFromNumber(total)!
print("The total for your order is $\(roundedTotal)")
Answered By - vadian Answer Checked By - Willingham (PHPFixing Volunteer)
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